IFP Going Up? / Agents Out of Business?


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Ok, saw these two articles. Talk about ying and yang. Or is this the "writing on the wall". One article talks about the huge amount of people losing group coverage and buying IFP with DC model. The other article talks about the agents demise.

I just don't see it. 1 employer with 100 employees have access to 1 HR person and 1 group agent. Now, these 100 people will be out for the first time shopping on their own. The need for agents will go up, not down. Or, am I missing something (as I'm typically not the optimist)? This article is a must read

Insurance Agents Lose Job Security With Obamacare Ruling - Forbes

There will be no room for commissions in the new lower cost products.

Some consumers may continue to use agents simply because they are creatures of habits.

Make no mistake: the volume of business underwritten by agents will dramatically drop.

Now with the clarity of the Supreme Court ruling, the floodgates for the mass firing of healthcare insurance agents are about to open

Employee health benefits could shift to private market - latimes.com

One of the more popular ideas being discussed is to give workers a lump sum, or defined contribution, and then let them use that money to buy their own individual health plan.

One of the biggest obstacles has been the lack of guaranteed coverage for workers in the private market.

Before the federal law, "it was a show stopper in the individual market. But now that market is about to be perfected."

One upshot is that workers could shop for plans that best suit their needs in terms of doctors and benefits, rather than relying on what their employers pick. They also get to take their policies with them if they leave their jobs
the floodgates for the mass firing of healthcare insurance agents are about to open

Seems a bit extreme, especially for carriers that rely on agents for over 80% of their new business.

More likely, agents will remove themselves from the market rather than the other way around.

If mini-meds are legitimized I can see folks buying them as a stop gap and paying the $95 tax for non-compliance. With GI and a ridiculously low penalty tax why buy coverage until you need to.

Unless the Bozo's in DC have completely lost their mind (entirely possible) there will be open enrollment period's when you can buy coverage rather than any time you want.

I just don't see folks lining up to buy insurance in 2014.

And the exchanges are a joke. Healthcare.gov is laughable.

Oh yeah, and let's not forget Obama telling us he would use the exchange to buy health insurance once he leaves office.

Right . . .
Any thoughts on a " MediGap" type product that makes sense for those with deductibles and co-pays?

those plans are not popular now on my clients that have ded and copayments. dont see a market.

medicare is so limited that it makes sence.

health insurance premiums are so dang high that addind a plan that will give them the "plan f" feel just wont work money wise... now or in the future
Although I rarely sell plan N it can be familiar for those accustomed to having a doc copay.

Probably 90% of my gap clients have plan G and a handful Hi F, although that is never a plan I suggest out of the box.
No one knows what is going to happen to the agents role.

It is going to depend on how the exchanges are set up. If the Federal Exchange has a medicare sup type comp then we stay in the game. If it has a bs one time flat fee then the game is over.

The other concern is if the states decide to take the comp from the carriers to use to fund the exchanges.
It's bad enough trying to get paid from carriers when you are contracted direct. Adding an extra layer of government in the middle makes it totally unworkable.

Didn't take long for the PCIP train to run off the track. No reason to believe the exchange will work any better.
Both the Insurance companies and the Government hate us. It serves both of these groups' purpose to get rid of agents as the insurance companies won't have to pay us and we will not be there to make the carriers fix those pesky little mistakes they make from time to time. Plus, why would insurance companies keep us when the Government is sending people their way? They are the insurance company's new marketing friend.

On the Governent side, The Government wants control...period. We are in the way. Most of HCR is about control. With this, the Government gets to bring in thousands of new people that are on their payroll to replace us (navigators), especially in Liberal States like mine (California). Some will say that the Feds and/or States can't afford to replace us. They would be correct but when did that stop the Government?
While the "sales" part may be taken care of (automatic buyer), the "service" part is where agents excel and we have cheaper overhead. We don't need health benefits, FICA/FUTA employer contributions, 401k matching, no square footage, phone, computer, desk.......and no wasteful weekly pow wow meetings.