I'll Get Back With You.....

I've had this scenario happen many time. I determined some time ago that I would never again give a specific recommendation over the phone again.

I did that once. She kept pressing me on the phone for the company I was recommending. After telling her, I got "I'll get back with you."

Found out later that she told another agent she was working with the details and the company. I did the work, someone else got the commission.

Why not tell your client on the phone "I've found the perfect fit for you based on what you have told me so far. Let's get together to look at the details."

I love this one. If you give your advice on the phone without them committing to the face to face, you're opening yourself up to be used.

There are many people who feel they are entitled to use you and throw you down without feeling any guilt. The solution IMHO is to secure commitments from them before breaking your back. "If I were to become your advisor in this matter, when can you come in to formalize our relationship?" "If I provide all of the answers to the problems you brought up, would you allow me to help you?" If the answer is anything but "yes," I get somewhat turned off and start thinking about my next appointment, lol :)

Not to be a high pressure salesman, but life's too short to deal with prospects who don't respect you as a professional or human being. All healthy relationships are give and take, not the prospect taking, taking, and taking with you on your knees.

When people try to pump me for advice (some seniors, some youngins), I tell them that I'd be glad to go over their specific situation in person. If they object, I repeat that's my policy and that they can get back to me when they're ready. :D
It's all about the numbers guys. We all get a few bad apples. Pondering on what someone did or didn't do when it didn't match your expectations is a waste of time. Nothing we can do will eliminate the bad actions of other and nothng we can say will do more than making us look petty and unprofessional. Be glad to help... PERIOD. For that gladness is your compensation.
A-h-h-h-...there's a bunch of rebuttals on this one but it boils down to how much you will earn on that case. If it is a small commission, give the exact quote and be done with it. May not be worth your time to drive over, chit-chat, write, drive back and service.

OTOH...if it is a big commission...talk in ranges,,,like "Oh it could run between $150-500 per month depending on how you build this program." Does that sound like something you could handle?, or could your budget handle that?

Get a response and counter with...I'll show you how to tailor this to your liking... and in your dollar range. .I can see you ...(mon or tues)..or Is thursday ok with you?
If they're vague or hedging...ask what else they have seen . Tell them you compare with other plans too.

You're trying to flush out liars from buyers. No perfect rebuttals.
"I'll get back with you" is exactly the reason that I go straight to setting an appointment with everyone. If you act really busy and don't have time to give them everything over the phone your chance of selling the app goes way up.
Example: Prospect: "Well how much is this going to cost me?" Agent: "That's exactly what I want to talk to you about. Is Thursday or Friday better for you? Morning or afternoon?"
"I'll get back with you" is exactly the reason that I go straight to setting an appointment with everyone. If you act really busy and don't have time to give them everything over the phone your chance of selling the app goes way up.
Example: Prospect: "Well how much is this going to cost me?" Agent: "That's exactly what I want to talk to you about. Is Thursday or Friday better for you? Morning or afternoon?"

This lady works for a doctors office here in the town I live in. Has worked for this doctor for 15 years. Got my name from someone she claims had insurance with me...the name I never heard of...lol. I figured she was probably sold when she called...she was wanting coverage for her 74 year-old husband whose already dealt with not having a supplement with his prostate cancer. I told her I could get him with AARP.

Yeah, I should have done what you and others on here have said. Would it have made any difference? Possible. She never called and bought from me. I called her back a couple of times and got the response that she didn't know if they could afford it.
well, I wrote 250k in medsupp premium in 08 and 65k in whole life premium. also wrote 2 million in fixed index annuity premium between 2007-2008. Not bragging, just want to tell my background before I give my opinion.

I never, i mean NEVER give rates on the phone.

tell them, there are many variables, too many to get into on the phone, and set up an appt. tell them it is very low right now and you can help them with a rate, NO PRESSURE, just a rate and info for 10 minutes of their time. You can't sell them on the phone anyway! GET THE APPT!