I'm a Newbie in Need of Guidance

I don't know how you sell Medicare by phone as an independent agent with all of the regulations about what you can and cannot say to your prospects. Even in person with prospects I feel like I am in a game of charades: "Sounds like silver WARE, rhymes with underwear." The only way to do that is to go work in a call center for one of the companies, although I'm not sure how that works but I have heard some success stories of people who got started that way.

Yep, you're talking only about Medicare Advantage.. which I don't sell over the phone unless they force me to, with a gun to my head.

Medicare Supplements, though = completely different animal - and a nice animal, at that.

. . . . . . . ......... Med. Advantage vs. Med Supps

Can cold call? ......... NO! ......... Yes

Send your own mailer? ......... NO! ......... Yes

Door knock if you wanted to? .... NO! ......... Yes

Cross sell on the same call? ... NO! ......... Yes

Ask for Referrals? ......... ......... NO! ......... Yes

Super Easy E-apps with all? .... NO! ......... Yes

Customer complaints about
co-pays, networks, restrictions? .... YES ......... NO!!!

This is why I love selling Medicare Supplements by phone.
I'm now up to 42 states, only because of referrals that lead me into new states..and it's an awesome way to make a living - truly helping people.
