Why are United American rates for Medicare Supplement Plan G and N so high?

On UA and Med Supp topic, my 82 yo husband has had HDF from UA for over 5 yrs. Increases reasonable (they have in our zip in CA, loss ratio below 85%). This is his first year of his attained age policy of "No age increase 82+" and the premium went up more than EVER--over 17%šŸ˜µ
Tried asking if they "forgot" to Not Increase For Age based on lower than average loss ratio and could they check for me?

Reminds me of clients who were on a $11 drug plan one year and the next year it went to $18.

Chaz! I just got a 65% rate increase! How can they do this to me?? I barely get any drugs.

Your 17% increase on $50 isn't rattling any feathers.
It was $79 to $93 when age adjustment stopped. Forgive me for living and writing words. Gosh many here are so understanding and kind it's no wonder no one likes insurance people. Merry Christmas.
Caveat, NOT an agent.

I think I have seen agents posting about two different reasons Medigap plans can have premium increases.

Age change is one, I can't remember details of what the other one is.

Agents will have to comment for you with the other reason as a possible justification for the change.
The other is inflation, increased costs, etc.