Im Ready to Talk to Seniors About Final Expense

I was taught to canvass when I entered the business 41 years ago.. I accept people knocking on my door but get very irritated when someone approaches me on the street, in the mall etc. I buy Girl Scout cookies form the girls that knock on my door but do not care to be stopped by them as I enter the WalMart to shop.. A lot of it is the psychological impression. When they knock on the door and I open it, I am standing inside the house and they are outside. When they approach me at the malls they invade my space.

There is always someone standing around the malls selling something, panhandling, etc. Instead of thinking outside the box, you may well be boxing yourself in with those folks in the minds of the people you want for prospects.

Sir i respect your 41 years expertise,i hope i will have a long career doing insurance. here is just a little background.i live in ny and we market advantage plans with street marketing at pharmacies,supermarkets and dr offices. i talk to people all day long.and yes i do mix up how i get need several lead sources to get clients.i only dabbled a little bit by asking seniors about final expense, most people did not know what is i came to the forum to try and improve my approach. i see now i will accomplish that through my own trial and error.just because you have not tried it doesnt mean it does not work. so i will try it and see what results i get.i mean no disrespect to you
Think you'd have more success "bringing awareness" to toenail fungus.
This approach is sure to get them running...not for their checkbook, but for the door.

with 8,000 + post i thought i would get a mature answer from you.Remember there is nothing wrong with trying something might get a result you never could of imagined. but thanks anyway
I think you would be better off with a cup and a sign "will work for food"

Why in the world would you think this would be better than buying leads or at least residential or business door knocking?

i just wanted to try something new in addition to door knocking and buying leads.The basic form of a lead comes from people.when you loose that human contact filtered through internet leads,direct mail,ads,tv commercials it gets watered down.But when your face to face with somebody it shows what your made much do you know on the spot.have you learned enought to explain the benefits of final expense.can you book an appointment with them while peeking their just thinking outside the box. if im wrong than ill accept that
Of course not. What makes you think your idea is "new"?
Yeah, you might, but if you'd like to wager on it, I'll be happy to take as much action as you want.

I dont need to wager, but i will be outside saturday talking too people, and i would be glad too share my results.I dont know what will happen but im willing to give it a try.whats the worst that can happen people tell me no.We are in the business of loving no until we get that yes.If i get that yes to an appointment or phone numbers thats an oppertunity with out paying for a lead.ill take that any day of the week.stay tuned. And if you think thats funny maybe your not risking enough to be successful in the world of insurance.
i need some people who think outside the box. if im wrong tell me , but think about people who door knock for final expense sales.its a cold lead, meaning first time talking to that person and introducing yourself and what your there for. im from abc company and im this area local agent.Your door knocking explaining about final expense.

With that said , whats wrong with approaching somebody on the street and explaining the same thing. i think its no difference.

if there is anybody who can give me some advice on what they would say if they approached somebody on the street walking by. thats all im asking. thanks guys in advance

If you are willing to really work (like 50 hours a week or even more), pre-approach may be a good idea for you. You can't be afraid to knock on a door and talk to somebody.
Pre-Approach Letters?
Appreciate the input. Seeing that I've had a successful career of over twenty years in this business, and have forgotten more about it than you know, I won't consider it.

In addition, I know how spell "opportunity".

We all got spell check,thats minor. And im not challenging you.if there is something i can learn from you than im open to the way Im not the one throwing out crazy responses.i just wanted a little advice.We really dont need to go back and forth on petty stuff. Were in sales you need tuff skin, so lets move on. i just wanted to try something thats it.i will still try other lead sources to mix it up.
Please spend some time on the forum and do a little research. There are a lot of people here with a wealth of experience; much of it can be found with a simple search.

People do not like to be bothered while running errands, shopping or other things they are doing during the day.

We sat at a community table for breakfast (we didn't want to wait an hour) with a realtor and his wife- he began prospecting and qualifying us for a house and finished with his card which promptly went into the trash. People that do this are desperate for business and most people want to work with those that are successful and knowledgeable. I collect and give business cards constantly but I do not try to engage in business without a relationship or need which comes from casual conversation.

Spell and grammar check are invaluable- if you come across to people the way you are writing and spelling no one will take you seriously unless they don't know any better.