1. When you set the appt don't give your phone number.
If they ask say listen I'll be in and out of appts all day so it'll be impossible to reach me! As far as you know you will be there Monday at 2 right? Great you don't let anything interfere I won't let anything interfere and I'll see you Monday at 2 CLICK
Every time I give a phone number out they cancel.
If you're calling off leads and they call back & cancel show up anyway. Act like you didn't get the message and say well I'm already here! I told you I was coming from a LONG WAY! I've gotten so many sales that way
2. Right at the end of the call...Tell them you're coming from a REALLY long way on that day so if you can't make it to the appt it will REALLY mess up my schedule!! So let nothing interfere with our appointment and I'll see you Monday at 2! CLICK!
3. This establishes you're the businessman not the salesman. Business men tell people what to do. Salesman ask and are polite. If you start out bring polite and bending over people will always expect you to bend over!!! I've had people say well if you won't do this I'll go with another agent! I'm like fine have a nice day! Every time I used to bend over for people I'd end up with a charge back or a bunch of dodged calls! Or worse half a day wasted driving out there when they weren't home.
I gotta say this is some stellar and very good advice you just gave!! Nice. I can tell you sell a lot. Great post.