As I said earlier, if beating up on me gives them the self-esteem that they are seeking, no problem. I'm happy to take their abuse and criticism. They pale in comparison to the drill instructors I knew.
Thank you for the offer. Yes, you figured it out. We enjoy bashing you.
Hmmmm. A lot of butt-hurt here... You see this kind of anger and frustration and intolerance all the time in the FE section of this board, but not so often here so these postings are somewhat surprising.
Now, see if you can figure this one out. You are wasting our time. Why do you post on a insurance agents' forum when you disagree with the insurance agents' career? Answer -- not to be helpful, but to be obnoxious.
Get a hobby. Go to the gym and work out your stress. Find someone for sex. Just please stop interrupting our career-oriented conversations.