Immigration Status/Visas Vs Tax Credit


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Do you guys know what type of immigration visas allow to get the tax credit? I remember seeing a list but forgot where it was.

Nope, I don't but the system will let you know when you figure if they are eligible for subsidy, because the system check's his status with homeland security. I bet someone on here does have a list though.
Thanks for the info.
I'm wondering how they are going to deal with cases where e.g. husband is eligible for Medicaid but wife is not (e.g. because she holds her green card for less then 5 years). According to what I think I understand the wife would have to buy a plan in the marketplace and if eligible will get the subsidy.
Is the marketplace to split their application into two separate ones?
I'm not sure if medicaid is updating it's eligibility requirements in light of PPACA.

I presume your guess is accurate, they would be split into separate individuals.
No, they do not split their application. They are married, therefore it's one household and one app. The "no wrong door" promise of the exchange is that the exchange will move to Medicaid the ones that qualify for Medicaid, and then apply any subsidies to the remaining family members that want a subsidized plan.

The income of the whole household is considered for the subsidy app, even if some members will not be covered under the subsidized insurance (because of Medicaid in this instance).

If a foreigner is here LEGALLY, they cannot get Medicaid but can get subsidies, even if the state did not expand Medicaid. This is another glitch, because a US citizen in states that did not expand Medicaid may fall into the black hole if they are under 100% of FPL and the state did not expand and the state does not allow Medicaid for childless adults. But LEGAL aliens in the US do not fall into that black hole in those states. They can get subsidies if otherwise qualified. Illegal aliens are not eligible.

Hope this helps.


Clarity sake, what you're saying is with our theoretical couple where one is a legal, medicaid eligible, and the other is medicaid ineleigble (due to immigration status), they would file on a single application, collect subsidies as a household, but be split as two separate individuals as far as enrollment and premium is concerned, correct?

Clarity sake, what you're saying is with our theoretical couple where one is a legal, medicaid eligible, and the other is medicaid ineleigble (due to immigration status), they would file on a single application, collect subsidies as a household, but be split as two separate individuals as far as enrollment and premium is concerned, correct?

Yes. The only part of your question above that needs further clarification is the "...collect subsidies as a household, but be split as two separate individuals as far as enrollment and premium is concerned" part.

1. One application
2. One household
3. MAGI Income is totaled for the household
4. % of FPL is calculated
5. Member's share of the premium is calculated, based on the full household MAGI income.
6. Benchmark plan (2nd Lowest Cost Silver plan) premium is calculated for the wife only.
7. Subsidy is calculated based on that premium minus the member's share.
8. Subsidy is applied to the wife's enrollment only
9. Husband is enrolled in Medicaid.
Thanks for that simple breakdown of an overly complex situation Ann.

Locally, we have a large hispanic population and I'm sure this issue is going to be popping up left and right. It's very common for the husband to come over, get a job, and bring the wife and kids over (and continue to have kids, kids have kids, etc). All of them have some sort of different immigration status, legal, illegal, visa's, visiting, technically a citizen because they were born here, etc.

This is going to be fun.