Independent Agent - Voluntary Solutions


New Member
This is my first post so hello to everyone!

I am new to insurance and have decided to go independent right out of the shoot. I do have a good mentor that has been in the business for 20+ years. I have been going B2B for a couple months now offering nothing but voluntary products (std, ltd, cancer, accident, life, mini meds, dental, vision, etc).

As anyone who has done this knows my days are spent beating the bushes and trying to explain to HR/Biz owners that I can provide them with solutions on products that the company doesn't pay for being that they are voluntary. I figure in the current economy this would be and a fairly easy approach but have found out quickly these products just aren't being considered right now.

I would like to know what others views are on the voluntary sales - small business market?

Why is what I'm doing different than the major medical side of things?

What other forms of insurance sales are there out there that would possibly be a better option for me to help get me started?

I haven't been in it long at all but I want to learn what all is out there. Thanks!