Independent Contracts for Allstate?

Funny story-

About two years after I sold my Allstate Agency, i got a call in my new
office from a lady who asked if i would be interested in a start up agency
with Allstate.

Obviously, she was just making random calls, so I decided to jerk her
around a bit.

She said there were not many requirements, and I replied that a pulse
was all that was required to work for Allstate.

She was taken aback, and I then told her who I was and that she had
actually been my mgr. about 15 years prior (she was only my mgr. for
a few months).

She then started practically begging me to take an independent contract
with Allstate, or even one with Encompass.

I told her I could beat their rates 100% of the time, and had no need or
interest in the appointments.

She confided that they were having a really tough time getting any interest
from any independents.

Keep in mind that Allstate will try and cut agent commissions when they
cannot raise rates as much as they would like.