Independent or Captive Agency SI,NY?


New Member
I am looking to buying a book of business not sure if I can find an Independent book for sale, but there are plenty of Allstate books for sale the only problem is the multiples they are looking for are a bit hefty 2.75/3 times. I am looking to do P&C Life & Health I am licensed in all lines of business. I am looking for guidance in the right direction. My background is an Investment Consultant at a bank for 5 years, just got tired of starting from Zero every month and would rather run my own business. My wife is no longer working, we recently had an addition to our family so now we are 5. any guidance is highly appreciated!
btw a few of my friends purchased Allstate Books so I have some pretty good inside info on that, just would like to explore other options! I have checked out State Farm
Why not try negotiating on the Allstate book? However, be careful. Do a search of the forum, there was a thread sometime ago about Allstate trimming the number of agencies to concentrate their agency system into fewer, larger, multi-location agencies. Make sure you are not buying an agency that Allstate is going to terminate in a few months to a few years.

Or you can keep searching for an independent book for sale. Personally, that would scare me more. I'd see the clients at an independent being more attached to the agent than at a brand name. You might buy the independent and watch all your clients disappear out the door, destroying your investment.

Either way, expect to work or expect to heavily invest in a quality staff. You are going to lose clients irregardless just because the agent changed.