"Independent Payment Advisory Board " FYI


100+ Post Club
FYI......"Independent Payment Advisory Board, Death Panels
Obama's Can't Fail Way to Cut Healthcare Spending - Deny Services to Seniors
By Fred Dardick Thursday, May 13, 2010 "

"This all powerful healthcare organization, not mentioned once by Obama during the year long debate, was one of the Democrat's primary, yet hidden motivations for healthcare reform in the first place.

Obama, ever the pragmatist, figured out a can't fail way to cut healthcare spending by the government - deny services to seniors. This way, everyone gets the same healthcare (none) and no one has to pay for it. Problem solved."

Obama's Can't Fail Way to Cut Healthcare Spending - Deny Services to Seniors
Quickest way to get voted out of office is to get the Seniors mad, since they're the ones who actually turn out to vote.
Those who rely on the government the most, and have the most to lose, are the ones who vote.

The rest of us are outnumbered.
Those who rely on the government the most, and have the most to lose, are the ones who vote.

The rest of us are outnumbered.

Yes, but the younger voters are the ones that pushed Obama into the Presidency. The Seniors were pretty much divided between McCain and Obama, and the dems appear to have lost their(senior) vote, but don't seem to care.

You are outnumbered by age every passing year, but 18-44 is the largest percentage of the eligible voting population, and the libs seem to have a good grasp on this fact.

Sheer numbers of 18-29 year olds eligible to vote is their money shot. They had a record turnout in the 2008 election and 70% voted for Obama, and they did better in the 45 to 55 age bracket as well. People blame the elderly for voting Obama into office, but really, that wasn't the case.
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A lot of those in the younger age group are now graduating from college and finding jobs that require them to use the phrase "you want fries with that?". if enough of them are disillusioned by this November and again in 2 yrs, he may well find himself out of work.

The independent-minded voter, in both parties, were the swing voters that carried Obama in to the White House. Many of those are the ones voting out incumbents in early races.

Arlen (I was always a closet Democrat) Specter may be one of the biggest fish (so far) to be shown the door next Tuesday. Blanche Lincoln is not doing very well either.