Index Annuities for Payroll Deduction?

Their specialty is 403b, but they do all plans for payroll deduct. Qual & Non-Qual.

At what minimum premium.....I find I can payroll deduct many flexible policies but the minimum premium from the non403b companies don't work. They let you payroll deduct but have a 2k minimum initial premium.

I might have to look at life of the southwest again. I just had a bad experience with them and may have been due to my upline arrangement.
Midland/NA allows min contributions of $50 after a $2k deposit

NWL allows $100 after a $2k deposit

I think but am not sure that Annuity Investors Life allows $50 per month min on payroll deduction, but I think the entire payroll contributions must equal $600/m (someone told me that, so I am not 100% positive about it yet)
Midland/NA allows min contributions of $50 after a $2k deposit

NWL allows $100 after a $2k deposit

I think but am not sure that Annuity Investors Life allows $50 per month min on payroll deduction, but I think the entire payroll contributions must equal $600/m (someone told me that, so I am not 100% positive about it yet)

They do but I am persona non grata over there.
GAFRI? I sold them as my primary 403b carrier for 9 years. They are an okay company.

I didnt realize they were part of GAFRI. I sell Great American. Just never realized Annuity Investors was part of the same company. Why the different annuity channels do you think?


GAFRI? I sold them as my primary 403b carrier for 9 years. They are an okay company.

Ok. So does Annuity Investors offer IAs for individuals who are not part of a qualified plan? Or do the funds for an IRA have to come out of an Annuity Investors QP? I see mixed info about it when I look up their products.
I didnt realize they were part of GAFRI. I sell Great American. Just never realized Annuity Investors was part of the same company. Why the different annuity channels do you think?


Ok. So does Annuity Investors offer IAs for individuals who are not part of a qualified plan? Or do the funds for an IRA have to come out of an Annuity Investors QP? I see mixed info about it when I look up their products.

Annuity investors was the variable line, then they made a shift and the great American products became single premium and the flexible products went to annuity investors and they had a whole direct contracting thing going on.

For your question as of 2 years ago you could fund a flexible premium IA as an IRA with 600 per year ie 50 per month.

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