Insulin, Gabapentin, Metformin.....

63 year old female.

Taking Insulin, Metformin, Gabapentin, also is asthmatic.

Any level coverage? LBL or Trans?

Also, this part always confuses me...on the LBL app:

Within the past 2 years have you been diagnosed, treated, tested positive for, or been given medical advice by a member of the medical profession for:

(e) Complications of diabetes such as nephropathy (kidney), neuropathy (nerve, circulatory), retinopathy (eye) diabetic coma or insulin shock?

So if she has had the neuropathy for over 2 years, its still a yes, because she is being treated with the gabapentin, correct????
Gabapentin is not a KO with LBL
Is the neuropathy due to diabetes?

Gabapentin is not a KO with LBL
Good point. Neuropathy can be caused by factors other than diabetes. And Gabapentin is not just for neuropathy. But I think the POSTI underwriter would likely only consider this person for MWL because of the combination of insulin and gabapentin. You'd be hard pressed to convince them that the neuropathy is not related to the diabetes, or that the gabapentin is for something else.
Good point. Neuropathy can be caused by factors other than diabetes. And Gabapentin is not just for neuropathy. But I think the POSTI underwriter would likely only consider this person for MWL because of the combination of insulin and gabapentin. You'd be hard pressed to convince them that the neuropathy is not related to the diabetes, or that the gabapentin is for something else.
Good point, best to speak to an underwriter