Insurance Forums Featured in the Podcast

I had a nice time doing the Agent Boost podcast, and the Insurance Forums origin story gets covered. With special mention of Scott, one of the real OG's from the Snitz days!

Lots of discussion about failing as an agent, aca regulations, the vibe shift in DC and more. Check it out!

I listened to this today as I was working today. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Thank you for your insights.
Interesting talk. As an aside, you made a comment about the more you read across the industry the more you could see the connections and develop deep knowledge. I used to teach business at a university. What you are talking about with that is what is called "absorptive capacity" (the fields of business strategy field and entrepreneurship refer to this the most). People with deep knowledge are far more likely to make connections between information that on the surface seems unrelated (as you said), see opportunities as they more easily see the "gaps" that exist, and as a result are more likely to be innovative (amongst other things). You backed into what we teach. You would be a good example for students to see how this works in "real life" and that it is actually useful. Wish I had known of you back when I was teaching.
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Thanks David, I appreciate the feedback!
I like agent boost . Those brothers are sharp and talk about things that matter. You had mentioned weeks ago Trump continuing lawsuit to ax overrides . Any idea when judge rules if that can go forward ?
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There was just a filing yesterday with some supplemental material for a supplemental brief, but nothing of substance

I check every day!
Great podcast. It's very important that us agents have a loud voice, and a direct reach to consumers, government, and the insurance companies. This is a great way to achieve it. After seeing all the abhorrent comments in many different comments sections from when CEO Thompson was brutally murdered a few months ago, I noticed there is so much misinformation, sensationalism, and outright lies floating around about this industry nowadays. The average Joe is just literally clueless about how this industry actually is. It's good to have a voice to set the record straight.