Insurance Library

It already goes to my spam folder. Trying to avoid it all together.

Haven't contributed in months but thought insurancelibrary dot com was funded by Sam and managed by Justin Blase

I only contributed when they first started it. It became a joke pretty quickly. Haven't looked at it in years. I just assumed it never got any traction. Could be wrong.
I invented the phrase "Practce doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect."

I remember it well. I was 2- years old and getting potty trained at the time.
When I was getting potty trained I invented flushable wipes. (It was really just wet toilet paper, so it took awhile to develop.)
When I was getting potty trained I invented flushable wipes. (It was really just wet toilet paper, so it took awhile to develop.)

I invented the cordless extension chord & Powdered water. Currently have a Black Friday deal going that if you buy 2 cordless extension chords & 10 packages of powdered water, I give you 1 free cordless extension chord and 5 packages of powdered water. Let me know how many you want along with your credit card #. Wait, that is not all, while supplies last, I also am throwing in a free 1 year subscription to insurancelibrary.cxx
I invented the cordless extension chord & Powdered water. Currently have a Black Friday deal going that if you buy 2 cordless extension chords & 10 packages of powdered water, I give you 1 free cordless extension chord and 5 packages of powdered water. Let me know how many you want along with your credit card #. Wait, that is not all, while supplies last, I also am throwing in a free 1 year subscription to insurancelibrary.cxx
I only contributed when they first started it. It became a joke pretty quickly. Haven't looked at it in years. I just assumed it never got any traction. Could be wrong.

I did too. Waste of time. Never got any business and only a few "leads" that never went anywhere. Probably a money maker for Sam and Justin.

Can't complain too much. Sam let's us hang out here for free.

Oops. Probably shouldn't say that. I think he charges you.
Didn't know where to post this so I put it here. Is anyone other than me getting spam from
InsuranceLibrary.cxx via mail.wpengine.cxx

I don't think this is originating from THE real Insurance Library but also don't want to block them or report spam if someone really IS spamming from that domain.

Or maybe it is coming from wpengine?

Hey Bob. Thanks for the heads up on this. It sounds like you are probably receiving the spam through the "Contact Me" button on your Insurance Library profile, and next to all the questions you answered on the site.

Please note, this is not spam FROM Insurance Library... apparently some spammer is using a bot to send spam through our contact forms, however. I think the bot thinks they are spamming the webmaster of Insurance Library, rather than a number of individual agents.

I'm sorry for the hassle with this, I will look into what we can do to curb this.
I did too. Waste of time. Never got any business and only a few "leads" that never went anywhere. Probably a money maker for Sam and Justin.

Sorry to hear that Bob. I am going to be working on some ways to bring some life back to Insurance Library, so I'm hoping to be able to deliver more value to you through all the answers you provided on the site.

Also, the site was definitely not a money maker for Sam and I. It has generated enough revenue to cover the costs of hosting and development, but unfortunately not much beyond that.
this is not spam FROM Insurance Library... apparently some spammer is using a bot to send spam through our contact forms, however. I think the bot thinks they are spamming the webmaster of Insurance Library, rather than a number of individual agents.

Figured it was some kind of hack, not coming from the Library.

I am going to be working on some ways to bring some life back to Insurance Library, so I'm hoping to be able to deliver more value to you through all the answers you provided on the site.

Sounds good.

Enjoy your holidays!
Thanks Bob! I just installed a plugin that should hopefully sniff out that spam and block it. If you continue to see it, please give me a shout!