Insureme is Going Bananas

I don't know if it's just in NC or all over the US, but they are sending out leads that are getting called more than cheap hookers.

Really don't buy a ton of leads, but I've noticed lately that it's difficult to get in touch with mine, and that they ususally, are relieved to speak with someone locally, or tell me not interested and gtg.

Just got off of the phone with a guy that was distressed but told me the story. He said that his phone had not stopped ringing all day long. I told him what to do about it and he thanked me, but didn't want to discuss insurance.

Insureme cancelled the quote request. It would be nice if every lead that was distributed to too many agents got cancelled.
I don't know if it's just in NC or all over the US, but they are sending out leads that are getting called more than cheap hookers.

Really don't buy a ton of leads, but I've noticed lately that it's difficult to get in touch with mine, and that they ususally, are relieved to speak with someone locally, or tell me not interested and gtg.

Just got off of the phone with a guy that was distressed but told me the story. He said that his phone had not stopped ringing all day long. I told him what to do about it and he thanked me, but didn't want to discuss insurance.

Insureme cancelled the quote request. It would be nice if every lead that was distributed to too many agents got cancelled.

Not that much has changed about the leads themselves. The biggest thing has been the onslaught of email marketing by lead companies and affiliates; just about every lead company now emails out to previous "leads" to entice them to request quotes again. Some of the top affiliates do nothing to promote their sites aside from spamming. As bad as that sounds, it hasn't hurt overall lead quality THAT much.

I think the biggest thing contributing to scenarios like the one you described is the amount of lead-working technology now available to agents. At first, only the big call centers (mostly Florida groups selling health insurance) seemed to "get it." They made the lead companies figure out how to post their leads into automatic dialers, to make sure every single lead got dialed IMMEDIATELY, followed up with consistently until contacted, etc.

Now, technology like that is available from multiple sources that make it viable for a small agency. Auto dialers, email responders, automatic follow-up technology, etc., all make sense, and more people "get it" now. In a competitive market, a handful of commissioned agents armed with super technology competing for the same person's attention leads to people getting blown up.

It's not all bad for the consumer. For the ones who really are looking to have companies "compete" for their business, anyway.
I don't know if it's just in NC or all over the US, but they are sending out leads that are getting called more than cheap hookers.

Really don't buy a ton of leads, but I've noticed lately that it's difficult to get in touch with mine, and that they ususally, are relieved to speak with someone locally, or tell me not interested and gtg.

Just got off of the phone with a guy that was distressed but told me the story. He said that his phone had not stopped ringing all day long. I told him what to do about it and he thanked me, but didn't want to discuss insurance.

Insureme cancelled the quote request. It would be nice if every lead that was distributed to too many agents got cancelled.

What do you tell people to do if their phone is ringing all day long?
What do you mean by "they cancelled the quote request".
You can give them the contact information for insureme and insureme will in turn send out a blanket email to all of the agents that received the lead letting them know that the customer wants no further contact.

Good to know!!! So I can advise the client to call the lead vendor even if I am the first one to make contact.

I feel I would have all lead vendors numbers in hand ready to give to the prospects with my reps
I agree that insureme is sucking. Terrible credit, called on too many times, not really interested etc. One girl told me that she just entered the info because she wanted extra points on an online video game.
The call centers are alive and well. They may distribute to 9 agents, but the client can get 30 calls.

Even if they call the company and get them to cancel the request, so what, the damage is done, a lot of calls are coming anyway, but the agent gets credit and a few people will be deterred from calling. It can help the client a little bit in this regard.
Also remember agencies purchase leads, they shoot out the same lead to 5 of their agents. UGA was famous for this. We'd get "free leads" that were distributed half the field force.