Interesting Lead Report by M.I.T and InsideSales

The study refers to calling back web based leads who have asked for a quote or requested more information. I wonder how this translates to pure "cold-calling" or calling back people who have mailed back a response card.

Good question. I always thought that ANY TIME is a good time to call prospects. Too much analyzing can sometimes throw people out of focus.
The study refers to calling back web based leads who have asked for a quote or requested more information. I wonder how this translates to pure "cold-calling" or calling back people who have mailed back a response card.

I would think that the information regarding the best days and time of day to call is relevant. The conjecture in the report is that there are psychological reasons why people may be more receptive to picking up the phone and setting an appointment at those times.

Otherwise, the report basically says something many of us know - that for web-based leads, if you don't call immediately and get them to pick up, your likelihood of getting them on the phone is low.
I can now take off Monday and Tuesday. In addition we will now only be open from 3 to 3:50pm.

Thanks for post. I did enjoy the reading.