Interesting Report on Massachusetts

Bay State Banner - Suit: Mass. health cuts unconstitutional

30,000 legal immigrants cut out of Mass. health care. I will continue to follow the Mass. situation closely since I predicted in 2006, this entire program will implode within 10 years.

After three full years I'll revise that and say it will implode within the next 3 years.

And by the way, these 30,000 legal immigrants who qualified for the state subsidy are still legally required to purchase health insurance.
Saw Romney on TV promoting his new book. I have no idea if he would be a good prez or not, but certainly better than BO.

He is still defending the Mass plan, but with a softer pedal. Can't remember the exact quote, but he said (or at least alluded to) no tax increases.

Wish I could remember because I was thinking "what is he smoking?".

In general, I like him. I thought he lost credibility in MI during the campaign where he said if he was elected he would do everything he could to bring back jobs to auto workers. A few days later McCain was there and was quite frank that the jobs were not coming back.

Thx for the links.
Bay State Banner - Suit: Mass. health cuts unconstitutional

30,000 legal immigrants cut out of Mass. health care. I will continue to follow the Mass. situation closely since I predicted in 2006, this entire program will implode within 10 years.

After three full years I'll revise that and say it will implode within the next 3 years.

And by the way, these 30,000 legal immigrants who qualified for the state subsidy are still legally required to purchase health insurance.

It is hard to tell what implode means these days. States like Mass and Maine can't wait to dump all of this over to some type of federal program and then declare victory for being in a leadership position as far as addressing health reform. The fact that they are not viable programs does not enter into the discussion and when it does they are considered to be models. Such is Washington these days and for a long time to come.
Implode means exactly that - implode. Over the next three years the rate increases will be unsustainable. People who can barely afford their $ premium will have to drop the plan as it goes to $900 - then have to pay a state fine.

That's when class action suits will start and the system will be stuck down as unconstitutional - and it will end.
Implode means exactly that - implode. Over the next three years the rate increases will be unsustainable. People who can barely afford their $ premium will have to drop the plan as it goes to $900 - then have to pay a state fine.

That's when class action suits will start and the system will be stuck down as unconstitutional - and it will end.

Okay. Well to me it depends on what "exactly that" means. All of these programs function as long as there is money thrown at them. Both Maine and Massachusetts programs were going off a cliff and then along came the stimulus programs and suddenly they were able to boost up their programs with that money and also shift a whole bunch of people over to Medicaid. Massachusetts will hobble along until the next infusion of federal money to hold it over until the feds start handing out even more money to more states or to consumers to write down the costs. So I can agree these programs would implode if they were left to themselves but the dems are not going to let that happen. So "exactly that" is not quite so exact a science for me.

We can agree that it will implode at the national level though. Or maybe not. I might have to equivocate there too. It would implode unless China lends us more money and I dont know the answer to that just yet.
Its this simple: At a time in the not too near future the government is going to have about 80% of the population on some form of either state or federal medicaid. This is back door socialism. They can't pass this crap on the front end legislatively so here it comes anyway. Just keep expanding SHIP and all the other BS subsidies. Everyone who makes above 88K or whatever threshhold they determine gets shafted. Anyone who is marginally successful gets greeted with paying for their own health insurance and we pay for everyone elses subsidized health insurance. Its so out of control its unimaginable. No wonder rational people are such a mad electorate at this time.
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