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Well then, what exactly do you consider a contact?
I consider anyone a contact as long as I have some kind of communcation with them.
In consider a Contact to be someone who you get past the first 15 seconds basically. The one's I don't are the ones who never give you a chance before they hang up. They hear Insurance and you are followed up with hearing a dial tone!
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Do you mind sharing what your contact schedule is?
While I'm at it shall I send you my Credit card and the pin number?
Do you just want to send me your leads and I'll sell them under your writing number too?
It's not so much just a contact schedule as a combination of multiple & Unique approaches. Anyone who knows anything about marketing will tell you: You have to be in front of the client, and stand out to be successful.
Whatever you do it just has to be a system that you do every time.
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