I have worked for State Farm (as a team member) and now starting my adventure with Farmers Insurance. Farmers is alot different than State Farm. I went through the series of interviews for State Farms Agency Program, but I did not like that I might set as a Agent In Training for a while before finally finding the right place. State Farm has a great opportunity, but it may require you moving. Farmers offers a little different of an opportunity. Farmers opportunity seems more like going independent, but having a single company to represent. Again, Farmers opportunity is a captive opportunity, but will not offer the level of support of that of State Farm. Why? At the end of your adventure with State Farm another agent will take over your book of business. The Good News? You start off with a nice commission coming in. The Bad News? Your kid will not be able to take over "the family" business after you retire. Farmers offers the opportunity for the family to take over after retirement. This was one plus for me. Going independent would be amazing, but you must be financially stable to afford it. Insurance is in no way a get rich quick scheme. Farmers offers the opportunity to use their money to get started. The issue with this is that if you do not meet their goals, than they will ask for this money back. If you do continue to meet their goals you are fine. It's all about you. If you are willing to work as many hours as needed to meet these goals go to farmers. If you are looking for good money over the next 30 years, and not worried about it after you retire, State Farm is there for you.
I am also a current team member at State Farm and just signed my Reserve contract with Farmers. Just curious, Cahall, what advice you have for me since you have been in the exact seat I am sitting in...