IRS Form 1095-A

One of my clients just printed out the 1095-A and it show coverage through to the end of the year but they stopped paying in September when one of them got new coverage with an employer. Any thoughts on how they should proceed? Did this happened to anyone last year?
One of my clients just printed out the 1095-A and it show coverage through to the end of the year but they stopped paying in September when one of them got new coverage with an employer. Any thoughts on how they should proceed? Did this happened to anyone last year?

Contact the marketplace as soon as you have a Nav on the phone ask to speak to a supervisor. Explain this to the supervisor and they will have to do a Hix Escillation to get the form corrected.

3 of these today.
Are 2015 forms now available?

Here starts the next debacle. There is no walking away from O'care, it will continue to linger (and haunt) for years.......
I didn't thing the forms were ready, everything I've seen the client's will receive early Feb. says that the 1095-A could be in the insured's online account sooner than early February. I haven't logged in to see if anyone has them.

Yagents is right about tax time being the start of the next wave ObamaCare pain. Thankfully, all the materials I see tell the insured to call the Marketplace with any questions.'s 1095-A page:
Are 2015 forms now available?

Here starts the next debacle. There is no walking away from O'care, it will continue to linger (and haunt) for years.......

I guess we need to make a customized VM message for each wave of BS that comes with this.

Here's how the convo will go....

I need my 1095a
Call the marketplace.
I did they said I need to log in to my account...I dont know my username and pass word....
You'll have to create an account
Can you do that for me?
So you cant print it for me?
No... sorry...
Well thanks anyway...

20 Minutes later same person calls back...

I'm in here and can't find my 1095 a where s it at??
Maybe they haven't posted yours yet.
I'm so sick of all this crap......thanks anyway..
I know we all received this:

IRS Grants Extension for 6055 and 6056 Reporting:

On Dec. 28, 2015, the IRS announced that it is granting an automatic extension for the 2015 information returns required of insurers, employers and certain other providers of Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) under Section 6055 and 6056 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
Coverage providers that need more time now have until March 31 to get Form 1095 to individuals and until June 30 to electronically file with the IRS. For providers not filing electronically, the deadline is May 31, 2016.

This year will be another year that will allow individuals to lie stating that they do have health do I know????

CPA's have been instructed by the IRS to not delay filing of taxes waiting for these forms. Tax filing stating that you have or do not have coverage is a check box in the 2015 tax year filing software.
I guess we need to make a customized VM message for each wave of BS that comes with this.

Here's how the convo will go....

I need my 1095a
Call the marketplace.
I did they said I need to log in to my account...I dont know my username and pass word....
You'll have to create an account
Can you do that for me?
So you cant print it for me?
No... sorry...
Well thanks anyway...

20 Minutes later same person calls back...

I'm in here and can't find my 1095 a where s it at??
Maybe they haven't posted yours yet.
I'm so sick of all this crap......thanks anyway..

I think I'll use this . . . .calls coming in now that people have started to go get tax stuff done at places like H&R Block . . . .funny - I thought when ACA started they'd hired insurance agents so they could capture the front end of this nightmare & then also do the tax piece. Maybe they decided not to continue with that afterall? . . . .