Is anyone going to the Convention (National Agents Alliance) (NAA

GOODNESS this thread reminds me of a possum I tried to kill years ago. My wife screamed when she saw it on the back porch and I shot that stupid thing probably five times and it was still wandering around in circles...

This odious thread just WON'T DIE. EVER!! :swoon:
GOODNESS this thread reminds me of a possum I tried to kill years ago. My wife screamed when she saw it on the back porch and I shot that stupid thing probably five times and it was still wandering around in circles...

This odious thread just WON'T DIE. EVER!! :swoon:

GOODNESS this thread reminds me of a possum I tried to kill years ago. My wife screamed when she saw it on the back porch and I shot that stupid thing probably five times and it was still wandering around in circles...

This odious thread just WON'T DIE. EVER!! :swoon:

Well, I shall keep this fabulous thread alive for I love possums. I was supposed to go to their latest conference next week but decided a few things: I have spent over a $100 month on their stupid 'programs' which I've received no benefit from so NO I'm not going to go pay to 'mingle' with their top agents, the money I spent on leads was wasted on crap leads, I got free leads originating from 2006 (those were fun), and you are taught that if you don't make bank immediately then you aren't worth your manager's time.

I warn EVERY person seriously interested in the insurance business to stay away from NAA ;) Just don't do it. Trust me.
Vixenator, you were with NAA ? What was your experience like ? How did they find you ? Thanks.
Vixenator, you were with NAA ? What was your experience like ? How did they find you ? Thanks.

its opossum...............

They suck balls. I think I've already stated what my experience was. I put my resume on Career Builder and that is how they found me. It took me two months to decide I wanted to contract with them. Waste of time and money. We live and learn, huh?

Of course it's 'opossum' unless you live in OK like me, then it's 'possum'. I feed the ones that come to my backyard. I have a bio degree so I am quite aware of the correct terminology ;)
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