Is anyone going to the Convention (National Agents Alliance) (NAA


It's about time you gave up. Now maybe we can have a productive conversation.
you can learn alot from joel.......this is how your naa will end up.....and like it has been stated.....all you need to know about NAA is here....
Originally posted by joel
[br]whats up all... yes i am alive and well, just haven't been posting for a bit - have been reading and the amusement level is still high as can be... anyway, drum roll please...... I AM NO LONGER WITH NAA.... (gasp)... i know i just made sti's day atleast - me and two friends from both NAA and United American formed an LLC and did a mailing - have about 15 agents under us and have 100%+ contracts with some big companies (AIG, Chase, GE, Chesapeake, Americo, Mutual of Omaha) and "high" contracts with Banner and West Coast - we are still using non-med products and fully underwritten depending on the customer's desires - we offer our agents 60% and free leads or 100% (except west coast and banner) if they pay for their own leads... we tried to take the good of NAA and take away some of the bad.... our first mailing of 6000 had a 1.75 response rate so far so we're about to do another mailing - i still have nothing bad to say about NAA though - the leads definately worked and MY manager (not everyone) treated me fairly and was truthful - i explained to him i thought he was one of the best NAA managers but his fault was that he had to follow the NAA promotion schedule.... to sum up... no i haven't fallen off the earth (yet), no longer with NAA but had a very fun and profitable run with them.... now running our own LLC and offering 100% right off the bat without any crazy production requirements... we're hoping it will work out better... anyway, thats all for now and i'll post again after we've worked through some of the leads and do our next mailing .... hope all is well with everyone and that you survived the hurricanes and appreciated the Yankees defeat..... joel
When you go through a traditional IMO, you get the street level commission. The only override is the IMO. The only way MLM's work is by cutting the commissions for the newbie's. There is no other way to pay 4, 5, 6 or however many levels NAA pays.

There are companies out there that pay 133% and more so you can recruit agents and pay them 100%

Thats the point I was making in an earlier post. Thank you for recognizing it.
"Yes they do but, I though you gave up?"

LOL...Your the one coming to a public forum asking for info. on your own companies convention!


Oh, I found this funny as hell-

From NAA site-

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to be the largest network of financial services professionals in the nation by:

providing the client with the best of breed financial products and services on the market today;

AXA and Foresters ! Can you say Proprietary crap!

"financial services professionals " HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Run, don't walk.

I read through all of Joels stuff on the other forum. He made a lot of money with NAA. He is making a lot more now on his own. But, he still made a lot with NAA before he left.

I have to sign off for the evening. It's stormy out here right now and the power usually goes off when that happens. I dont want my computer to get spiked so I'll continue this again in another 12 hours or so.
dvd493 said:
You guy are great. This is real productive. Thanks for the spellcheck but, you must not have read my previous posts about using the spellchecker on top if this box.

I know, I know, you don't care about spelling. But as a consumer of products and services, if I received a letter from you with the spelling and grammatical errors you make, I wouldn't think you were too intelligent. Therefore, I wouldn't do business with you. If you don't take pride in at least learning how to spell, how solid could your advice be? Just my own personal opinion.

I'll say this, you are probably working the right market. Chasing those $50 dollar apps every night. I personally prefer to work daytime hours and work with business owners who allow me to handle not only their life insurance, but their health insurance and their retirement dollars. If I sent them letters with the spelling and grammatical errors you display on this board, they would no doubt think less of the advice I give.

You can take it for what it's worth. It's not meant to be hostile. It's meant to be constructive criticism.

If you want to know about the conference, simply contact your upline or NAA directly and ask if they can supply you with a list of reps that attended. Seems much easier than coming to this board and asking it over and over and over and over and over. Then complaining because experienced agents are trying to give you some advice. It's apparent that none of the agents who have replied thus far didn't go and don't think too much of NAA. But you keep asking anyway. But hey, what do we know? We've only lasted longer than the majority of agents out there.