Is Massachusetts Health Care Actually Working?

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
The short answer, and not just based on this article I'm posting but following this very closely - yes.

Health Care In Massachusetts: 'Abject Failure' Or Work In Progress? - Kaiser Health News

I predicted the demise of this elephant soon after its implementation in 2006. However, not without issues, it's doing just fine. 2 out of 3 MA residents approve of the law. The state has a 98% insured rate - the highest in the nation.

The immediate issue was containing costs. MA went for the throats of both providers and carriers. First denying carriers rate increases - then a study by the AGs office showing that care in "expensive" hospitals was no better and actually worst in some cases than less expensive hospitals. This meant no more higher reimbursement for hospitals who claimed they were "better" than others. AGs office said "care to prove your care is better?" They could not.

With carriers basically not able to raise rates, they went after the providers; "no soup for you" - meaning, we're not paying you a dime more. Suck it up. The hospitals sucked it up....after previously releasing media statements years ago saying they'd go BK if they were forced to accept lower payments.

Well...not really.

Many providers are now on global billing - a fixed amount per patient. So quality of care goes down? No so fast. Doctors on global billing are strictly measured and if their quality score falls below a certain number they can be kicked out as a network provider.

Doctors released press statements years ago saying they'd go out of business.

Well....not really.
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Broader the way that MA did this right or even the role of the government?
Obama isn't going to lose. Reps must realize that at this point, and put their focus on the smaller (but more important) House and Senate races. That's where the real power is, and the opportunity to make change.

Also the only chance to defund PPACA is from the inside, unless you don't have all control of House, Senate, and Presidency.

*Disclaimer: This assumes the USSC upholds the law with no changes.
I have a feeling that 10 years from now people will be glad obamacare passed and was upheld. It's ridiculous for people to think it's "ruining the country". JMHO as usual.
I have a feeling that 10 years from now people will be glad obamacare passed and was upheld. It's ridiculous for people to think it's "ruining the country". JMHO as usual.

As usual, it's the people footing the bill (a smaller and smaller pool each and every year) who will get tired of it, while those who are more receiving benefits (a larger and larger pool every year) will think it's great. All the while our government will grow larger, taxes will rise as a percentage of income, and more people will become dependent on the state.

I find it ironic that Democrats want to talk about how the country has become an oligarchic society, yet enabling people to become, in essence, wards of the state, furthers the drive towards that oligarchy. We've gotten far away from a society that is driven towards making a better future for their children.

And that saddens me.
If the mandate is shot down, and the subsidies don't materialize, this thing is DOA.

Even with the mandate, without subsidies the torch and pitchfork crowd will march on DC.

And guess what? The subsidies are probably not going to happen.
We've gotten far away from a society that is driven towards making a better future for their children.

And that saddens me.

I'm also getting concerned for my kids. I was talking to hardened liberal yesterday, 2 hr healthy political discussion. He praised the payroll tax cut, and berated republicans. I asked if he felt the tax extension should have been paid for, or added to the debt. Took him about 2 seconds, "add it to the debt". Either we all cut back now, or our kids (or us) will have a tough life with no safety nets.
I'm worried about our kids and the US economic future, too. I recently read the following:
The budget explained in simple English. I love it when complex things are simplified so that we can all understand.
$ 2,170,000,000,000 - United States tax revenue
$ 3,820,000,000,000 - Federal budget
$ 1,650,000,000,000 - New debt
$14,271,000,000,000 - National debt
$,,,,,,,38,500,000,000 - Recent Budget cuts

Now, remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:
$ 21,700 - Annual family income
$ 38,200 - Money the family spent
$ 16,500 - New debt on credit card
$142,710 - Outstanding balance on credit cards
$,,,,,,,385 - Recent budget cuts
Stop the insanity now. Vote them out and demand a balanced budget.
Months ago, I thought health care reform might be the biggest topic of the election, but now I just think it's a subsection of the biggest topic. If Obama is to be defeated, I think it's because of the wild spending spree (of which health care reform is a part). If the Republicans don't bring a true leader to the front or if they split the party, they won't defeat him. Obama was put into office largely due to the independent voter. I think Obama has lost that support, but I don't see the current Republican frontrunners gaining that support.
If "thinking" voters turn out in greater numbers than those who are uninformed and only looking for what the govt will give them, we stand a chance of turning things around.

Of course what is logical doesn't always work when it comes to elections. "On paper", Obama never should have been elected. Totally unqualified for the job.

No matter what your feelings about McCain, he would have been infinitely better than what we are stuck with now, and he certainly was more qualified.
When more and more people in the country become dependent on government aid it becomes increasingly difficult for a "tough love" candidate to win.

People who vote are on food stamps, unemployment, welfare and a myriad of other programs. Their fear is all of their aid will stop or be cut back.

Romney makes jack*ass statements like "I'm not worried about the poor because we already have a safety net in place for them."

That statement alone cost him anyone on aid or looking for aid. You cannot make statements like that which alienate people.

America's been raising a fat irresponsible 10 year old then asking him to vote for more candy or exercise.

My state, MD for example, is doing what only Democrats know how to do - spend more and raise taxes. We were at 5% sales tax, then raised to 6% and now 7% is proposed. A law was passed last year tripling the fees for our tolls. Now our governor is proposing a 26 cents per gallon additional tax on gas. Our state was very anti-casino but now we're turning the entire state into a mini Vegas.
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