Is Massachusetts Health Care Actually Working?

I have a feeling that 10 years from now people will be glad obamacare passed and was upheld.

The people footing the bill won't be happy that it passed, but the people sitting on their behinds and claiming that they're disabled at age 35 and collecting welfare will be ecstatic, and their ranks are growing.

If I were King, a lot of these people that are so happy about receiving Welfare benefits would be given a few choices. They could pick between mining, milling or manufacturing. The free ride would be over so fast they wouldn't have time to eat that last donut before going to work for at least 8 hours per day.
Here's the thing, when you look at the debt, just the numbers, the GOP makes great sense. The problem? They can't stay on task.

Right now Santorum is beating his gums on what "kind" of Christain Obama is... Then there is reproductive issues and a group of men before congress speaking about contraception for women and so on and so on and so on....

The message gets lost, simply because the party gets lost in reglious issues that honestly, enough Americans to "win" the vote, don't share.

If the GOP could stick to the numbers, they'd have a chance. They can't, which is why they'll lose and continue to lose.

As far as the person who said without hestitation "add it to the debt". Well, that is also a GOP problem under Bush. Going to WAR twice, without any immediate "cost", if fact, a tax cut, was really really stupid and just open Pandora's box on government spending.

Had a "war" tax been rolled out, we simply wouldn't be here today. By allowing a credit card war, we've given a green light to our politicians to spend their as ses off. Big mistake.
I haven't seen recent stories come through my feed regarding that issue like they were about 2 years ago.

I'm still trying to form an educated opinion on what MA has done. It's tough to find unbiased stories. Any journalist with an agenda can dig up horror stories. I'm looking for more factual information.

I predicted the demise of this system in 2006 when it was implemented within 3 years. Turns out, I was dead wrong.

One large issue that was solved was gaming the system. Sit out, pay the fine, grab coverage, drop it. Now they've moved to open enrollment periods unless someone had creditable coverage. That has all but solved that issue and carriers are reporting better numbers.
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Ok, somebody still show me the money? Has the MA system been self sustaining without federal money?

Can this be replicated on a national scale with trillion dollar budget deficits and trillions of national debt?

Whos paying for all these subsidies and how much are taxes going up?

Uncharted unanswered questions...Where is Winter on these issues, haven't heard a peep out of him in awhile.
The MA program, soon after implementation, faced a huge budget crisis and needed 1.5 billion from the feds to cover a three year period to time. I do not believe they have received federal dollars after that emergency 1.5 billion in emergency funding.
Ok, I concede...MA may be self sustaining, and maybe now its new and improved, with enrollment periods, etc.

However, come what may, the subsidies will be scaled back, or the benefits the gov't exchange plans will be trimmed.

There isn't enough money or political will to see this entire thing through. There are going to be holes to fill, like Medicare - and ultimately agents will still be in business.

The more we get into this thing, the more I believe this to be true. The government won't and can't afford to cover everything, no way in hell.

We are going to be selling plans, like Medicare today, to fill the gaps. Worst case, extra plans to cover things the standard health plans dont cover. Like dental. Don't think the gov't is going to be paying for gold capped teeth, etc.

The health carriers will find ways, and are finding ways, to make money selling the extra stuff.

The insurance companies are smarter than the government. Watch and see. They and we will still be in business, offering products of value, first dollar benefits, and still making money.

If this health bill is not repealed by the Supremes or a new President, count on it. We are going to be selling gap plans or supplemental plans.

Somebody prove me wrong. I've been known to be 100% misguided in the past.

Pretty soon I'm going to have to move away from my fixation on this Obama health bill. Truthfully, just me personally, I'm sick of talking about it. I want to move on, but keep finding myself fascinated with these threads. I must be sick mentally.

Or maybe I'm just working out my frustration, or clinging to the idea that I'm still important, my role as an agent.
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I have a client that used to live in Canada. He tells me that a lot of the stories about the wait times, denial of care, etc. in Canada are absolutely false. He claims that the quality of care is good and there aren't any unreasonable wait times for appointments.