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Is the New 2025 CMS Rule for Agent compensation actually GREAT news for AGENTS and FMOs?

I’m a realist . But as I’ve said I’ll write all this until the wheels fall off . What i think might happen has no bearing on me writing big #’s month in month out .For instance i could give 2 shits who wins the presidency or whatever policy’s are enacted . As I’ve said i can walk away right now and never work again and even if my renewals vanish won’t effect me . I do this because i enjoy using knowledge to help others
You should use your knowledge to not use effect when you mean affect.

And when Newby is giving you grammar advice, you know you are hitting rock bottom.
You should use your knowledge to not use effect when you mean affect.

And when Newby is giving you grammar advice, you know you are hitting rock bottom.
Yeah I think I might be a little dyslexic. lol .But I sure as hell can sell with best of the best
When Trump gets in he’ll strip aca subsidies to the bone . The free days are coming to an end in 2026 . If Republicans sweep everything we’ll have riots in the streets when all the free stuff disappears. I’m waiting to see if Trump rounds up all the illegals and sends troops to the border . He’s been campaigning on that .
If that were politically possible, he would have done it in his first term
"Additionally, the final rule generally prohibits contract terms between Medicare Advantage organizations/Part D sponsors and middleman Third Party Marketing Organizations (TPMOs), such as field marketing organizations, which may directly or indirectly create an incentive to inhibit an agent or broker’s ability to objectively assess and recommend the plan that is best suited to a potential enrollee’s needs."

The way I interpreted this, FMO's as we know them today, are done for.
Unless a few big ones can hold out for a year until Trump can undo everything....