It was nice knowing you cica . Rx checks coming


1000 Post Club
lol how do they evaluate someone with rx checks ? Supposedly they legitimately take Chf, oxygen , cancer after 1 day of cancer free . You damm well know they’ll be moving a ton of legitimate things based on their questions from standard to Gi . We all knew couldn’t last.


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Funny how one of their app questions lists a ton of conditions no one else takes, but CICA's knockout for them is if they're NOT being treated. How would an Rx check verify this unless a drug for their few KO conditions showed up?
That’s the issue . “ We don’t take copd,Chf, oxygen UNLESS YOUR ACTIVELY BEING TREATED “ . Hell that’s basically a semi Gi . So now when the rx shows all these drugs they’ll automatically be switched to graded even though they are level by definition. Game over. They’ll be knee deep in Gi like uncontestable claims they have to pay for the next 6 yrs
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I don't know about that. Current drugs indicate they are being treated for those conditions. I suspect this is just to soften us up for when they change their UW guidelines once they've been running Rx checks for a while. We all knew it wasn't going to last forever. And even with the super unhealthy people they take, CICA has a few aces up their sleeves. 1) Their drafting is so haphazard and they don't tell agents when a draft doesn't go through. So plenty will lapse before a claim. Until then, CICA's SOP is to just tell you to rewrite. Now they will be able to decline on a rewrite. And 2) their question about psych meds will cause a lot of claims to get denied. Lots of dual-use meds they will use to claim KO psych conditions.
I don't know about that. Current drugs indicate they are being treated for those conditions. I suspect this is just to soften us up for when they change their UW guidelines once they've been running Rx checks for a while. We all knew it wasn't going to last forever. And even with the super unhealthy people they take, CICA has a few aces up their sleeves. 1) Their drafting is so haphazard and they don't tell agents when a draft doesn't go through. So plenty will lapse before a claim. Until then, CICA's SOP is to just tell you to rewrite. Now they will be able to decline on a rewrite. And 2) their question about psych meds will cause a lot of claims to get denied. Lots of dual-use meds they will use to claim KO psych conditions.
Well they obviously did this for a reason to benefit them . In reality they take almost anything legitimately. Who the hell will rewrite an app? Let’s say it stayed on books 9 months . You rewriting to make 3 months first yr and trash 1-2% renewals ? I’d rewrite with gtl .
What there saying is “many people aren’t getting the appropriate coverage “ . Code word for a shit load of Gi coverage is coming . They have no underwriting books . lol . Actually i knew this was coming . For about a month now they’ve been running random rx checks behind the scenes sporadically.