Jan 1 Renewals Question


100+ Post Club
Are all insurance carriers required to migrate members who enrolled in a 2014 ACA plan to renew/change to a 2015 ACA plan?

Example: if someone enrolled in a 2014 ACA plan in July 2014, they don't get to stay on their plan for a year, their 2014 plan will be canceled on Dec 31, 2014 and they must renew/reenroll on 2015 ACA plan with a Jan 1, 2015 eff date.
Are all insurance carriers required to migrate members who enrolled in a 2014 ACA plan to renew/change to a 2015 ACA plan?

Example: if someone enrolled in a 2014 ACA plan in July 2014, they don't get to stay on their plan for a year, their 2014 plan will be canceled on Dec 31, 2014 and they must renew/reenroll on 2015 ACA plan with a Jan 1, 2015 eff date.

That is correct, SaintStigers. Although most of us didn't hear about them, the HHS/CMS factory kept churning out new rules that further enhance policy benefits. They go into effect on 1/1/2015. HHS will not allow carriers to send out amendments, like we've seen in years past. Instead, the policy must torn apart, rebuilt and re-issued.

Naturally, these benefit enhancements, along with the policy re-issuance processes, contributes to the large premium increases we're seeing. Expect a repeat of this madness every year, as long as ObamaScrew exists in its present form.