Jose artega on another note

They do not have a dedicated amount set aside for their final expenses.

They have some but wonder if it is enough (or if is the best buy for the money)

They want to leave a legacy for family, church. Charity, etc.

Allines ,These are the three reasons you asked about. Rousemark has kindly shared.
Ive added and taken away to my liking as has everyone that uses these prob has but these are the original.
Another CFCer. Does that make 4 of you now? :huh:

I swear, you guys all look alike to me.:yes:

From what I have seen I think there are three original CFC'ers on the forum: Jose, PureRisk, and Oregon Duck.

I did see that a forum old-timer has changed his/her avatar to the CFC logo, so that would be 4 that I know of.

Who knows how many secret CFC'ers may be lurking among us? :eek: They do have the Glenngarry Leads :yes:
From what I have seen I think there are three original CFC'ers on the forum: Jose, PureRisk, and Oregon Duck.

I did see that a forum old-timer has changed his/her avatar to the CFC logo, so that would be 4 that I know of.

Who knows how many secret CFC'ers may be lurking among us? :eek: They do have the Glenngarry Leads :yes:
You have to be careful of those CFC M'F*cca's. They'll get you when you're not expecting it, and before you know're a CFC M'F*cca too. :wideeyed:
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