Just De-Fund The Reform

Re: Just De-Fund It...

Yes, I'm hoping this will all be defunded. There's also equal odds that I can buy a ticket tonight and 23 14 23 85 29 will hit.

Better odds on the Lottery ticket paying out something even if its just a free ticket.
Re: Just De-Fund It...

I spoke with Congressman M. Burgess and AG Abbott last night about this very topis, I said can this be de-funded... burgess said yes to some degree... he said he recived a report yesterday from cbo a report that they needed to authorize an additional 80million that I guess was missed in obamacare, he said that is an angle that would in theroy kill some parts of it

the atty general told me that their lawsuit has legs under art 10.

so... there u go
Re: Just De-Fund It...

the atty general told me that their lawsuit has legs under art 10.

If by art 10 you mean the 10th Amendment, someone better remind the Supreme Court it exists first. They have pretty much forgotten it exists and let Congress expand its power at will.
Re: Just De-Fund It...

The sad story here is that despite the fact that we hear more about people NOT liking this healthcare plan, I still think that MOST people want it. Afterall, that's why Obama was voted in. He did EXACTLY what he promised he would do during the election and healthcare was the main issue he got elected for. So even though it's easy to think the majority of people are against it (especially if you listen to talk radio like I do), I would venture to say that the majority of people are happy with where healthcare is headed.
Re: Just De-Fund It...

I don't know about that. Even though I live in Texas (Austin, to be specific), I haven't run across anyone who thinks this whole thing is a good idea. And that even counts those who may have voted for Obama. More than anything, I think people are jaded to the BS that the government has a long history of and with record breaking spending going on it seems that people see this differently. Bush's spending was also out of control, but this is beyond even that.

Somehow I think this is different. At least this is my hope. People wouldn't have the same opinion talking to be in NYC or SF, but at least here in the leftist outpost in Texas, I don't see anyone happy with this new legislation.
Re: Just De-Fund It...

Heck, even here in IL people like the idea of better, less expensive health insurance, but wonder why everything doesn't take effect anytime soon and doesn't help them out. All they see is increases, and with the reform bill being a lagging indicator, it might not help his re-election campaign.
Yes stuy, the government is always the source of efficiency and innovation . . .

That is why they have done so well with SS, Medicare, the budget . . .