Just De-Fund The Reform

Trust me, I understand - and do the best to have my clients understand. But it's always the employees who want to believe that everything can be less expensive, easier, better without making sacrifices.

Which is, of course, why they aren't the owner to begin with.
Re: Just De-Fund It...

Would not get rid of all the new federal mandates, reviews, requirements, etc.

I think it's too late for anything good to happy. Our country is so screwed. We're being governed by morons (with apologies to real morons).


Sad but true.

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The Repubs had a chance to kill it and start over in January when the bill was clearly dead and down. However, Obama called them all over to the principals office to revitalize the discussions so that they could pass it through reconciliaton and the Repubs said "yes, let's all go over and do that." Obama, Reid and Pelosi outmaneuvered them and the Republicans snatched defeat fromt the jaws of victory.

Other than that, I cannot add to what I said at the time as far as cautioning them to stay the frig away from the lobster trap Obama and Pelosi set. Just idiots. How frigging stupid can you get.

Trying to turn it around now is about like trying to unscramble an egg. Good luck with that.
I got the Tequila. Is Liano coming? Is this him playing drums?

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