Kemper's New GI Plan.

Who in Gods name would offer ANYONE Americo UPIII?? I wouldnt even use their UPII, much better choices out there....i dont think they want to insure anyone under UPII or UPIII with those prices!

Its been a loooong time since Ive seen their UPIII prices, but I bet its something like M/NT/65 10k- $ I far off??

The above quote from AMERICO is $158.09 senor
I guess what I meant was, What carrier has the cheapest monthly premium for MOST ages male and female?

Columbian MDO age 25, $10,000.00 = about $31
Guaranteed? no _ 0 client questions. A couple qualifing agent qustions ie.not confined and agent does not know that they are an IV drug user.

age 25 - 75