Kicked to the Curb?

Two of my biggest concerns:

1. This is temporary. Even if HR 1206 were to pass and force legislative action on agent comp under MLR (override Sebelius), comp likely would not return to 20/10 levels. It's what happens to agent compensation on 1/1/14 that is the bigger concern.

2. I noted in the article that the AFL-CIO is specifically mentioned as anti-agent. This is a much bigger cause for concern as likely most if not all unions oppose health insurance agents and are also allowed to obtain "navigator" grants to assist enrollments in ObamaCare. Direct competition.

Follow the money.
Don't discount the large funding for "navigators" come 2014. States will get millions to train and educate navigators. Without a licensee, their role will be to "facilitate" enrollment.

They will be engaged in community outreach programs which could include "facilitating enrollment" by going door to door.
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Don't discount the large funding for "navigators" come 2014. States will get millions to train and educate navigators. Without a licensee, their role will be to "facilitate" enrollment.

They will be engaged in community outreach programs which could including "facilitating enrollment" by going door to door.

That is going to bite the states big time. Temporary grants to add tons of people to the state payroll. Then the grants stop in a few years, and reduced licensing and appointment fees further exacerbate the situation.

Schedule another future financial train wreck for our governments.
Agreed. Also, no clear guidelines have been drawn up regarding the roles and limitations of navigators. The NAIC has to work that up and get it over to HHS.
The real issue is, there's not a large enough trade organization to have a real impact for agents. They're spread across groups like NAHU, PIA, NAIFA, etc...

If there was a trade group, much like AARP, the represented all agents in the industry, stuff would get done.

Organizations like the AARP, NRA, etc...have enormous influence. The agent community has very little.