Kids on Family Plan or Medicaid?

I disagree. I don't know about the area you serve but in my locale many doctors do not accept Medicaid patients. So that will likely limit doctor choice for the kids.
On exchange. but now that you asked makes me curious if its worth it off exchange to put kids on medicaid or family plan as well as on exchange
On exchange. but now that you asked makes me curious if its worth it off exchange to put kids on medicaid or family plan as well as on exchange

If it's on exchange you have no option as to adding them initially or not. Automatically they are kicked to medicaid/chip. They can only be added if the children are turned down for medicaid and receive the denial letter. Likewise with state based chip programs.

From experience I can say that off exchange plans will cost WAY more than CHIP or Medicaid.

Hope this helps.
Hockey- nothing in the original post addressed subsidy, just Medicaid vs family plan. I was addressing quality of plan and accessibility of willing providers. As far as subsidy goes if there is no other financial choice but to put the kids into Medicaid then that is where they will go, I don't like having to place them there but sometimes there is no other option. In my experience family coverage quality and accessibility is a better option for most kids if affordable.