Lack of Competition


5000 Post Club
What Olympia fails to point out here is that Maine did have competition until it adopted GI and drove all the carriers out.

That is why I say that national GI will only improve the situation in Maine because there is no place they can go to get away from it- so it will put Maine and the other GI states back on equal footing with the other states. Of course, we get back on equal footing by watching everyone elses legs get hacked off so they end out like us.

Change you can believe in.

Competition lacking among private health insurers - Yahoo! News
I can't let this one go.
Yeah, good point. That's classic. What do y'all have in Maine on the indie front?
Anthem and frigg'n Mega? Pfffffffffff. So one "real" ins. company. That's competition.
Rich. If that happens, yeah most of us will have to install siding for a while, but by the time middle and upper middle class America are done with him, BO will be taking Air force one and fam for a permanent vacay to Kenya.
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