Last Chance


1000 Post Club
Gee whiz, why would anybody want (besides having enough sense to do so) to conceal their identity in the midst of these govt. proceedings?
Beats me.
Check out this windbag video? Socialist grease spot that he is.
"Bruno, throw me the life preserver … I'm drowning … drowning I tell you …"
This performance was posted on the 8th. Same day as the Kenyan's graceful bow out.
If you watch Barry's solo on video check out Pelosi's puss as he states that the public option idea was only a means to an end. She looks virtually constipated in those moments.
This video Of Robert Reich is too much. A given it's rooted in lies, but check out the part where he states, to support the argument that competition is needed, that there are only 3 companies in Cleveland.
Anthem, Aetna and United.
What about Celtic, Humana, Medical Mutual, Health America one, Kaiser, SummaCare, Companion Life for openers?

"In a few weeks this will all be history ..." Thank you Buda.

I guess we've rounded the corner where anything can be stated publicly now by anyone at any time …?
I'm just try'n to keep up.

Robert Reich on Public Option
Talking Points Memo Sep 8, 2009
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