Lead in Georgia Med Sup

Just for the record Bob (somarco) offered me a lead a while back and money was never mentioned.
Turns out someone does want to pay the $6. Someone who is not looking for a handout.

You guys are something else. Is business so good that you have time for this nonsense? You are not going to influence my opinion on the matter and all you are doing is preaching.

I paid someone here for a lead and that is how I got the idea. What if I got a hundred of these every month? Gee , I could pay the whole trailer payment with that!

As it is; there is Paypal, there is an aquisition cost for this lead; and I am not in the business of handouts.
Building rapport with other agents is worth a lot more than 6 bucks. The ideas and suggestions on this board are worth untold hundreds of dollars. Does the owner of this website charge us to read it? No. He could and people would probably subscribe. My point is, in the long run, it is worth more to give a lead away on here than to charage 6 bucks. Just saying...
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Perhaps you could sell the lead for $3 to 4-6 agents. That way you'd make more money and still be more honest than ASAP.

By the way, if the $6 lead is bogus or uninsurable, would it be returned for a credit against a future lead, or would you refund the money? Please post your return policy so we can see what a professional you are.

Perhaps you could sell the lead for $3 to 4-6 agents. That way you'd make more money and still be more honest than ASAP.

By the way, if the $6 lead is bogus or uninsurable, would it be returned for a credit against a future lead, or would you refund the money? Please post your return policy so we can see what a professional you are.


Oh, man. I would have used that money to buy a cheap bottle of wine and dodged any requests for a return.
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now now....no need to get huffy. I did get a "free" referral from an agent not licensed in Ga, and did sell that referral. I had the usual expenses....gas, time and servicing. Nothing was said about referral fee.

I tried to return the favor with an out of state client(turns out he wasn't licensed there). Seems to be the best way to handle these.

Quid pro quo rarely works very well, as you have demonstrated here.

And what are you talking ( complaining) about? These are the usual costs of doing business. ( gas, time servicing) You got this from a free lead? YOU got the commission. Did you every offer that guy lunch, or send him a gift card or something?

I don't need the $6 , but I do not think giving a lead away to someone who will end up like you; making money, never reciprocating the favor, and complaining about having to do his job, is the right way to handle this. I bought a lead here and was satisfied; if the agent I sell mine to has an issue, I will give him his money back.
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LOL - the OP offered a lead for $6.

If you don't want to buy it - go to another thread.

Free Enterprise at it's best.

Just because the guy wants to create positive revenue for his efforts doesn't mean he isn't professional.

To the OP - the responses you got are from the usual cronies - don't take offense - they do it to everyone . . .