Lead of the Day. Maybe My Entire Career!

Makes me think of the woman who called me today. Looking for coverage for thirty days, got dropped off her employer's plan and has to get coverage from another company to get back on. She had a list of medications and conditions and wanted my help. Depression, HBP and cholesterol.

Father is under some stress

You don't suppose he shot the son after finding out the son was sleeping with his sister. I thought this kind of thing happened in WV, not CA.
.... I thought this kind of thing happened in WV, not CA.

That is what open borders got us in California. All started during the dust bowl years.

Now Obama's cash for clunkers got those WV boys all into new Toyota Prius'. That and two year unemployment benefits! And Democrat controlled welfare state of Kalifornia. Hoo eee. Dust Bowl all over again.