Leadco Health Leads

There is more than one lead vendor that also owns a call center or agency. They claim nothing is skimmed and their agencies/call centers receive the same leads.

If that's the case it would make those lead vendors the most retarded business people alive. You're not gonna find away to give an agency you own "the best" leads? Ok.
Anybody ever here of Telephonic Agents.com, they sell health insurance over the phone? please tell me what you know of them thanks. Lou
"We also offer our agents the opportunity to sale anywhere..."

"Telephonic Agents has the most comprehensive training in the health insurance industry. With our training program you will learn how to actually sale and close over the phone."

Maybe when they master 2nd grade grammar people will take them seriously.

And This?

$499.99 One Time Refundable "Invest In Yourself" Fee

They want a $500 "fee" to contract with them? Run.....run far and fast!
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You also have to love the assumed closing ratio.

Lowest Earning Potential

Let's assume that you are just getting started and only sell 10 policies out of your 25 initial leads!!

That is one heck of a closing ratio off of what I am sure are less than stellar leads.