- 718
What product are you selling? Big thing in final expense now is to use auto dialer machine and if they want more info press 1.
Live transfer calls means you have to be at the office just sitting there waiting and waiting and waiting for the phone to ring. I'd rather deal with reply cards or telemarketing leads and I can call at my convenience.
I used a telemarketing firm last year for mortgage protection and I made money on it. They would email the appointment schedule every morning.
Unfortunately, they went out of business so I continued my direct mail to new mortgages.
There are companies that will offer telemarketing machines with life insurance scripts. One advertised in the $5,000 range, which I felt was ridiculously high. Do a google search.
Live transfer calls means you have to be at the office just sitting there waiting and waiting and waiting for the phone to ring. I'd rather deal with reply cards or telemarketing leads and I can call at my convenience.
I used a telemarketing firm last year for mortgage protection and I made money on it. They would email the appointment schedule every morning.
Unfortunately, they went out of business so I continued my direct mail to new mortgages.
There are companies that will offer telemarketing machines with life insurance scripts. One advertised in the $5,000 range, which I felt was ridiculously high. Do a google search.