Leads and referrals

thanks for the advice, my problem is that my position requires me to be in the office i am working for a captive company and my boss wants an personal lines agent in the office at all times and that is me.
Would work as well by calling them or sending them something with my business cards?

Sucks when you're owned...I always feel nothing is as good as a face to face conversation but a nice phone conversation would suffice I think but might be a little difficult to reach the people by phone but try and try again!

You can even set up a lunch meeting to rub elbows with your target people, you do get lunches right? You may have to foot the bill but could be well worth the cost of lunch.

I would definately try to establish some sort of referral program (maybe send them some gift cards for every referral?)
How about the guys who are recent grads of the "insurance academy," or are just leaving the protective arms of a "captive agency?" I broke out by becoming a regional mkt. dir, and received leads from the company (I had been captive, independent and both/and). I made a ton of calls to these leads, bought a few and had some referrals and repeats.

A new guy, what do they do? In these days of "do not call" lists and "greenriver ordinances," just what's a newby gonna do? Do you recommend buying leads, advertising, trade shows, or what? THIS is why I asked the P&C question (which received no answer BTW). I should have put "gal" in my username I guess. Many of you have had years in the biz so you have referrals and repeat business. I was in for 7 years and out for 5. So I'm kind of starting over.

It really is a different world, and you need to learn to market to the new type of client. Internet visablility is real important.
HA HA HA - rapidrobert ... I would recommend a few posts and companies for you to research but then I may get accused for working secretively for those referring companies! Life is full of unexpected surprises :confused:

To keep it as generic as possible - you need a GREAT lead source, around 3 - 4 carriers (Prudential being one of them) 'everyone now a days has something wrong with them' (ie. got a prelim of Pref Plus for in situ squamous cell carcinoma from Pru! Hooray for Pru).

Anyway - have your core carriers, become familiar with their underwriting guidelines, find a decent lead source and a reputable Broker/IMO/FMO.

You can use the search feature to find recent posts on said recommendations.

Lastly - be sure to have the "IT" factor that healthagent talks about! (Click on the below thread and read post #8 and #10 from HealthAgent)
Using the internet to Sell...... - Insurance Agent Forum

**Note - HealthAgent did not pay me to reference his genius!