Legitimate College Financing Help

That's exactly my concern with college planning as a stand-alone practice. It does seem costly and there really are some great, free resources out there so I wouldn't be comfortable charging several hundred dollars to complete the FAFSA since the first F is for Free. Having someone complete the doc for a family also increases the odds they will be selected for verification. My goal would be to provide assistance and value, not create more work!
College planning is a multi-year process, not a "let me file your FAFSA correctly" business.

Now, there are some outfits that actually help to match the student's natural aptitudes to private or public colleges that they may not have heard of, and qualify them for greater financial aid in the process. (Sometimes there are greater aid packages with private universities than with public ones.) That would be worth paying a fee for. There are plenty of quality advisors that do that.

This is a website of a firm that offers that kind of service - along with a financial asset review:
College Funding-Financial Aid Process with Strategies | Educational Funding Solutions
Greetings all. Brand new to the forum but I have sold life and health in the past. My background is primarily higher education financing, however, and I am curious if agents here on the forum are in need of or interested in legitimate help for clients with college financing. I am not interested in pushing UL to parents of high school students to hide assets. Since I have worked in financial aid and in financial planning offices, I am qualified to help college-bound families understand the aid formula, how aid is awarded and what options are available to them. Would this be a valuable service for agents and advisors? Thank you in advance for your thoughts and have a great weekend.

I have hundreds of retirement plan participants with kids getting close to college. Please run me through your process. What does your ideal client/prospect look like ? How is this profitable for you?
Morning Stephen. I don't have a process or a plan for profitability at this early stage. Right now, I am simply helping advisor clients, free of charge, with financial aid questions and student loan repayment help since I work in the space. I have assisted four advisors and two professional colleagues in the past month and starting thinking there may be something to this. To reiterate, I am not questioning anyone's business motives here, only pointing out that I want to set up a sustainable, ethical business model that provides sound planning and only recommends products that fit the need. Maybe it shouldn't be as hard as I'm making this but I don't have a model laid out yet.
Morning Stephen. I don't have a process or a plan for profitability at this early stage. Right now, I am simply helping advisor clients, free of charge, with financial aid questions and student loan repayment help since I work in the space. I have assisted four advisors and two professional colleagues in the past month and starting thinking there may be something to this. To reiterate, I am not questioning anyone's business motives here, only pointing out that I want to set up a sustainable, ethical business model that provides sound planning and only recommends products that fit the need. Maybe it shouldn't be as hard as I'm making this but I don't have a model laid out yet.

Fair enough. Let's try to get together next week and schedule a call , I am interested in where you might be able to go with this.
Morning Stephen. I don't have a process or a plan for profitability at this early stage. Right now, I am simply helping advisor clients, free of charge, with financial aid questions and student loan repayment help since I work in the space. I have assisted four advisors and two professional colleagues in the past month and starting thinking there may be something to this. To reiterate, I am not questioning anyone's business motives here, only pointing out that I want to set up a sustainable, ethical business model that provides sound planning and only recommends products that fit the need. Maybe it shouldn't be as hard as I'm making this but I don't have a model laid out yet.

I'm just going to share some information and videos. If I was to enter this space exclusively for a business model, I'd pursue either CFP or ChFC and then CCFC certification.

