Lib Press Beginning to Cave

Check this out. Seattle Times is beginning to run low on kool-aid or something.
I don't see that old "yes we can spirit here" like I used to.

I give them points though for flat out stating that they are changing their position rather than weaseling around.

Editorials | President Obama, Congress should set health-care reform aside | Seattle Times Newspaper

Winter, I gotta luv ya.
You're grab'n at yourself as we get closer to the deadline? Can you smell their defeat? Ughhhhh ...
Nothing like napalm in the am ...

You wanna see nads swing'n?
We predict.

NO. Public option
NO. Exchange.

Suck it longtime Al.
See if your boy reads the pulse of the republic? The days of the festering pustulance of your ideology are numbered. Real America despises you.

No.You. Can't.

Ron Paul 2012 - Champion of the constitution - time to defederalize.
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I assume you mean the guy who has (had) a racist on his staff?

Just asking.

Paul doing damage control after aide's resignation - The Herald Dispatch

This is the problem with people.
They never look at things in their totality, only the small aspect that affects them directly or their "cause." Never mind the country as a whole. Reminds me of the 20 something yenta running her hole on YouTube about how she would not support him because he was not "pro abortion ..." His view is to leave it up to each state. Considering the man delivered over 4000 babies maybe we could cut him some slack on that one?
Frankly, I could not care less if Ron Paul had an accused racist on his staff or not?
If it was proven as such, he or she should be let go. That's the best you got against him? Pretty weak putz.Then again, so are all your arguments so why break tradition now that we are at the end of your little antagonistic crusade. At least until the next wave of socialistic scum tries to invade the body politic. We'll hear from you then I'm sure.
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"... festering pustulance ..."


Sounds like something that needs a bandaid.


Unfortunately, in this case the only effective cure is deportation.
If we all chip in maybe we could raise enough to put Putz on a bus to Canada?

No.You. Can't.

Ron Paul 2012 - Champion of the constitution - time to defederalize.
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