Life & Health


New Member
Hello everybody,

I am Guillermo, I am starting this new career as Life and Health Agent, any ideas how to market to my tax clients?

I am located in Southern California, most of my clients are spanish speaking.


Hmm, Start with by asking them if they need to buy some life insurance and tell them that you offer it.

Welcome to the forum.
You should definatly do good. Call them all for a review and bring them in explain tax savings on life insurance to dependents. If any of them are in business you can offer health insurance and it is tax deductible for the business for the owners plan. Disability should be something you talk to them about.
As you may already know these are not products that your clientele is used to purchasing. My recommendation is to start marketing to clients that have higher incomes and therefore may have more to protect.

When we had healthy families still running in California it made the sale of health insurance to these client much easier as we would enroll the children into the program for our clients and then would find a plan for the parents.
Im not a card carrying member of the grammar/spelling police, but this has me mystified. Did all the healthy families emigrate out of California?


Healthy Families was an insurance program that was backed by the state of California but was canceled due to cutbacks.