Life Insurance for a Non Resident


New Member

I want to know if someone can offer a good product for me, it could be term or UL don't know yet, it has to be competitive pricing.

Im not resident, doesn't have social security, i travel a lot to Florida and have some business there.


I want to know if someone can offer a good product for me, it could be term or UL don't know yet, it has to be competitive pricing.

Im not resident, doesn't have social security, i travel a lot to Florida and have some business there.


Where do you live?

Do you have a green card?
Latin America. No. I travel with b1-b2 visa and never stay more than 15 days. I have a house in Florida if that is useful.
Can you not buy life insurance in your home country? Otherwise, you might have to look at something like Peterson's.
Peterson's is basically Lloyd's of London.

Without a lot of checking, I just don't see a US carrier giving you coverage. Not unless it is from a Latin America subsidiary, and then it probably won't be in US dollars at US rates.