Life Sales FMO/IMO


Hi Everyone,

Has anyone ever worked with Life Sales FMO/IMO?
They provide annuities and life ins contracts.

Please tell me all good or bad experiences.
All replies welcomed. Thank you very much in advance.
No, but with as many good FMO's that are out there I would think it would make more sense to go with one of them rather than go with an unknown.
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone ever worked with Life Sales FMO/IMO?
They provide annuities and life ins contracts.

Please tell me all good or bad experiences.
All replies welcomed. Thank you very much in advance.

The one out of Novato, CA?
No support, all fluff, no open release, rookie marketers, complain that they have to help you when they have 40,000 agents or something like that. This was several years ago. So I'd call them average.