Limited Benefit Plans

Why not just get individual medical plans for those who can qualify, and look for a list bill situation or have them pay for it out of pocket?

Then go STM with the rest.
Depending on the size of the group I would take a look at StarBridge from Cigna.

This is a true Limited Group Benefit plan. I have quoted it a few times for hotel groups.

You will still be looking at about $400 a month for a family but it will have co pays.

Starbridge has the best limited benefit plan I can find but it also has to go through underwriting.
Thanks to everyone. I will look into these options. I could write individual plans; the only problem will be the premium for PT employees who do not make much $$.

What would Starbridge need for an underwritten quote?
Why not just get individual medical plans for those who can qualify, and look for a list bill situation or have them pay for it out of pocket?

Then go STM with the rest.

What do you with the ones that are still there when the 12 months is up?
Have you looked into Aetna SRC or Cigna's Starbridge products?
Those use the Aetna and Cigna network. The Colonial Product is decent as well when sold with their Critical Illness Riders.

Good luck!