Lincoln Heritage/Senior Life

I hear a lot of good things about EFES.

I think the MDRT is a waste of money to join.

You are going to hear good and bad about EFES. But, the ones that I hear say bad things about EFES will also tell you how bad every FMO/IMO and/or lead system that they have been involved with is.

There is a message there.

I get a lot of emails and pm's about EFES. I tell everyone the same thing. EFES is a system for the person that is going make selling FE their fulltime job. It is not a system for dabblers in FE. You have to take at least 15 leads per week with them. If you are not working those leads regulary, you will be covered up in lead cost before you know what hit you. If a person is not coachable, EFES is not for them. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me. I am so glad that I met Travis, {Hoosierdaddy} and he hooked me up with them. They have two training calls per week and our group has a conference call once a week. I make every one of those calls and have learned something from them all. Sometimes I learn what not to do, which is probably a better education.

I had an agent tell me last summer that I didn't need to be on all those calls since I was doing so wel. That, to me, is one of the most ignorant things ever said to me. That agent has also failed with every opportunity he has been involved in, including EFES.