Listen to an AI qualify an insurance lead in real time

That's unlikely.

AI, no matter what, is still a machine. Think of Data from Star Trek. It won't have the emotional intelligence to understand nuanced jokes or sarcasm.

It will be able to understand that loud tends to mean upset or excited. They'll understand things in context... but like humans they won't understand historical, cultural, or social factors.

For example, I'm really dry. People have a difficult time knowing when I'm joking or serious sometimes. AI isn't going to be able to distinguish that either.

Now, because of context, an obvious joke is going to be understood.
Are you serious?
In a previous life I spent 20 years as a developer of software for businesses from South bend Indiana to the West Side of Chicago. Personally I'm not sold on AI. The problem as I see it is that whatever the "News Pimps" see as a headline story gets all the attention.

Maybe some day it will come to pass but remember it's just in its infancy right now because it a Great Story. That being said, be Afraid, be Very Afraid!
AI will be transformative to development of leads, but AI won't have EQ... Which is great for qualification, but not empathy or reading emotion.

Seems like the AI made the woman feel the empathy and emotion, which is why she got the lead, and to read what is it but tone of voice, they have been able to do the for at least 10 years
Seems like the AI made the woman feel the empathy and emotion, which is why she got the lead, and to read what is it but tone of voice, they have been able to do the for at least 10 years

Illiciting emotions in others isn't the issue. Humans already anthropomorphise things and create parasocial relationships with inanimate objects.

AI can understand what is being said. It can understand louder is excited.

It can't necessarily articulate that excited is happy or angry without additional context. It doesn't have emotional intelligence, understand nuanced behavior, or produce creative solutions.

I mean, none of what I've said is even in dispute...
Illiciting emotions in others isn't the issue. Humans already anthropomorphise things and create parasocial relationships with inanimate objects.

AI can understand what is being said. It can understand louder is excited.

It can't necessarily articulate that excited is happy or angry without additional context. It doesn't have emotional intelligence, understand nuanced behavior, or produce creative solutions.

I mean, none of what I've said is even in dispute...
for years we could through tech know what most are thinking, what most will do in reaction to various stimuli

We can predict all kinds of behavior

with amazing accuracy what a person will likely be a criminal, what politics, who will be compliant,.

how to motivate majorities, cause riots, change entire societies , harness anger of crowds, intimidate,. masses incite others.

its scary what tech was able to do 10 or 15 years ago, and I have no Idea where it is now

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